Sunday July 7th 2019
14th Sunday Ordinary Time Cycle C)
Move ‘Em Out!
The tie in between
today’s readings: Missions
Last week’s Mass
Prep dealt with the importance of answering the call to become a disciple. I
hope that you found it helpful in your pursuit of maturing in Christ. Do we
ever get there? Today’s installment takes a deeper look into the “Go” aspect of
discipleship: missions. We in the church don’t really think of ourselves as
missionaries. After all, there are trained and ordained people for that. Just
send money and let the professionals do it. Yes, there are special people God
calls to do special things in special places and we definitely need to support
them, but you are special too. Every believer has the Holy Spirit and a sphere
of influence that they can affect with the message of the gospel. Stepping out
in faith in order to share your faith
can be a little daunting, but do it anyway! Take the challenge of being a
missionary for Jesus in your own part of the world. It will motivate your Bible
study, grow your faith, deepen your worship, and give an anticipation of
adventure to your life. Walking with God is never boring!
Imagine yourself on
the scene with Jesus as He sent the seventy out on their first missionary
endeavor, (Luke 10:1-20). See Him standing on the side of the hill so that they
all could hear Him: “Alright men, let Me have your attention! Give me two
lines, here and here. Good! OK, the man opposite you will be your partner on
this assignment. I’m glad to see all of you here today. I wish there were more
of you. We have a lot to do. So when you pray, ask My Father to send more laborers
out into the field to be with us. There are specific rules I want you to follow
on this mission. Listen up! First, this is a faith exercise for you guys. DO
NOT bring any money, backpack, or shoes. You go just as you are. Have faith! I
don’t want any idle chit chat with people that you meet along the way. Get to
your assigned towns ASAP. Keep Focused! When you get there start knocking on
doors and bid peace to the household. If they take you in, blessings will be
upon that house. Stay there the whole time. Eat what they give you with
thanksgiving. Now, very important! While you are there, you will have the power
to heal the sick...and to do a few other things if needed. Don’t let it go to
your heads. These signs will give you the credentials that you’ll need for the real mission: spreading the word about
the kingdom of God! Look, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. If they
receive you, then they receive Me. If they reject you, then they reject Me and
My Father. Either way, your message must stay consistent and that message is:
the kingdom of God has come near! You don’t embellish it for the believers nor
will you water it down for those who oppose you. You will notice that none of
you men will be going to Chorazin, Bethsaida, or Capernaum. They had their chance.
I will deal with them later. Enough said. Today, all of you are embarking on a
great adventure. Amazing things are going to happen, but remember, most
importantly, don’t get caught up in the excitement of doing miracles. Instead
rejoice in the reality that your names are recorded in heaven! Now, go and make
me proud!”
Understaffed! Jesus sent those men on a bare bones operation with uncertain
outcomes. Missions haven’t changed in two thousand years. It is reach out, be
daring, be clear, and overcome objections with truth and love. Whether you’re
in the ministry halfway around the world or talking with a neighbor over
coffee, being a missionary is putting your vulnerable self out there. It can go
one of two ways. When the Gospel is accepted, you rejoice like the man in Psalm
66 and praise God for all of His wonders along with the angels in heaven. When
the Good News is rejected, it’s like the Apostle Paul who bore in his body the
brand-marks of Christ (Gal 6:17). Well, maybe not as bad for us as he had it,
but it hurts! Either way the gospel message stays the same as Paul said, “But
may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me...” (Gal 6:14-15).
Why does the
Almighty want us to spread the Word whether it’s a good time or not as stated
in 2 Timothy 4:2? The gospel is the
greatest message to mankind, more precious than gold. It’s the guide to eternal
life in the Lord Jesus Christ and a joyful citizenship in heaven as described
in Isaiah 66:10-14. So be ready to give a reason for your faith (1 Peter 3:15).
Be fearless and trust in Him when you do witness to others about salvation in
Jesus (Matthew 10:19). It’s the calling of every Christian. Also, remember it’s
not about you. You are just the messenger. Whether the Good News is accepted or
rejected it’s done unto the Lord, (2Corinthians 2:16). So study, pray, and go
spread the precious seeds of the gospel personally, but don’t take the rejections
personally. You are not alone. The God of the universe goes with you. Countless
souls are in need of the gospel’s salvation message. The fields are white and
ready for the reaping. The laborers are few. Join in the harvest and you will
come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
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