Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Purpose of Mass Prep

     My premise is that there are only two parts of the Mass that change:  the readings and the homily.  These are the only exposure an average congregation will receive to scripture for the week and the only opportunities to make God personal and exciting. (Or at least hmmm…haven’t thought of that before.)
     A quick one page essay on the readings for next week; set up for anyone to read on a website could give people something to think about during the week and at least have some idea of what the message of that Mass would be:  Mass Prep.  It may also reinforce the homily for that Mass and maybe people would even remember something that would last at least until after lunch.

"Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ."
-St. Jerome-
You can’t know Jesus if you don’t know Jack.

Vote in my poll and let me know what you think
In Christ,

Andy Cocco


  1. You've really posted far ahead. 82 years ahead!

  2. Interesting that you posted it eighty-two years ahead of time.

  3. Never quit, for life requires us to keep our eyes open to the possibility of his saving grace.
