Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mass Prep Sunday April 6th 2019 5th Sunday of Lent

Sunday April 6th 2019      5th Sunday of Lent (Cycle C)

Making It All Better

The tie in between today’s readings: Restoration

     There is a big difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline’s purpose is for training in order to achieve a more mature behavior. It focuses on the person with an attitude of love and concern. God, our Father, disciplines His children for example. Discipline ends with restoration and a new start for all parties involved. Punishment is much different. It is totally hindsighted. It is reciprocation springing from wrongs suffered: an eye for an eye. The statement that, God the Righteous Judge, will punish the wicked in hell, shows that punishment ends the relationship with the balancing of the scales. There is no coming back. That’s why comic book character, Frank Castle is called the “Punisher” and not the “Disciplinarian”. Today’s readings highlight two different episodes of God’s loving discipline and restoration.

     After many years of lip service religion and outright disobedience, the nation of Judah finally achieved a truly difficult milestone. They wore God out. Prophet after prophet came time after time with the same message from the Almighty, “Don’t make Me come down there!” Apparently, they weren’t going to be happy until they got their beating. And a beating they got along with total devastation with a one way ticket to subjugation in Babylon. But there was a glimmer of hope recorded by the prophet Jeremiah in Lamentation: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion does not fail” (Lamentations 3:22). Here the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob graciously holds out the promise that there will again be a “someday” for them. They were, after all, still His children. He sat them in the corner of Babylonian exile for seventy years and now it was time for them to come home.

     There is a special joy in restoring a relationship. We see it in a loving parent’s hugs and kisses for their crying child after a time out, the junkie returning to an understanding and supporting home post rehab, or the makeup sex that follows a young couple’s quarrel. It’s the cheers after the tears. With God, it is no different. In Isaiah 43:16-21, one of today’s readings, the Lord in a great gesture of “Welcome Home” comforts His children with a forgiving, forget about it! Then goes further in a parent’s excitement to describe the “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” fantastic future that He planned for them. Psalm 126 responds with “pinch me I must be dreaming” excitement when God performed the miracle of bringing His exiles back to Jerusalem to rebuild. Joyful shouts and crying gladness filled their hearts as well as the streets when the walls of Zion were completed. With one tough job finished, they looked forward to the next challenge of restoring the Temple. They proceeded with confident optimism because God was with them and the joy of the Lord was their strength.

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     At the beginning of today’s gospel reading in John 8:1-11, Jesus is teaching in the temple. Suddenly, a loud commotion erupts. The street crowd parts in an undulating wave to allow a cluster of harden men to pass. They are barely discernible against the mob which gathers behind them as if drawn by a magnet. A young woman’s panic stricken screams grow like a siren in intensity as they approach the Master. They break through and two husky brutes throw the crying girl to the ground at His feet. Her scantily clad body adds to her humiliation as she looks up at Jesus from her hands and knees. She is shaking, she is exposed, and she is terrified. An older man, a Pharisee, accuses her of adultery and demands a death sentence judgment from Jesus as he points to her quivering frame with a righteous boney finger. Jesus understands their trap. The Law of Moses requires stoning to death for the woman and the man, who apparently got away. Only Rome could authorize an execution, though, and they certainly would approve of this one. Jesus seems to be between a rock and a hard place. He, however, is more concerned about this poor daughter, who's next intimate contact could very well be a fatal shower of Palestinian landscape. Fortunately, Jesus has a finger all His own. He gets down on the ground next to her and writes in the dirt. Pressing Him for an answer, Jesus straightens up and challenges the most moral among them to throw the first stone. She flattens, shrieks into the ground, covers her head while she puddles the dust with her tears, and waits for her imminent pummeling. Nothing happens as Jesus gets back to the dirt to continue writing. The accusers become convicted and leave one by one along with the crowd. Show’s over. Jesus lifts the young girl up. She is overwhelmed by her escape and barely comprehends His question. “Where are your accusers?”
“They are gone, Lord.” she replies, astonished.
“I don’t condemn you, either.” Then Jesus added, “Go and sin no more.”
More tears and sobs as the young lady turns and disappears back into the indifferent crowd that would have just as soon seen her dead as alive. But these are tears of joy, of relief, of mercy received and restoration given. Her time had not yet come and because of the love of her Messiah, whose own time was fast approaching, she was determined and able to make a new future.

     The Apostle Paul picks up this theme of restoration with a personal note in Philippians 3:8-14. He sees that he cannot keep the Ten Commandments as he is supposed to, no matter how hard he tries. Punishment for his sins looms ahead. So he gives up on his own merits and, by faith, takes Jesus’ righteousness offered by God through the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. Jesus is the key to the contradictory image we may have of a God who holds a club over our heads and at the same times says, “Don’t you know that I love you?” Having had his punishment removed by the blood of Christ, the Apostle can own his imperfections and leave the guilt of them behind. He can, as a child of God, focus toward the future and the Lord’s upward calling for him. With guidance and discipline from the Father, he will achieve it. This offer of salvation and restoration is for you also. Come to the cross. Come clean. Come to Jesus. Leave reconciled. Leave restored.

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